When you want to ensure that you have the coverage you need for your home and vehicle, umbrella insurance is a good choice. If you already have home and auto policies, getting umbrella coverage is an excellent way to add to certain coverage from those policies. If you already have auto and home insurance and are interested in umbrella insurance, contact us today at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI.
More Liability Coverage
Umbrella insurance adds to the liability coverage through other insurance policies. Auto and home insurance policies each come with an amount of liability coverage. The problem is that these insurance policies often have a small amount of liability coverage. This can make you liable for large medical bills after a severe accident that causes injuries. People can change their auto and home policies directly so that each has more liability coverage. However, this is a costly option. It is much more cost-effective to get extra liability coverage from an umbrella policy.
How Umbrella Insurance Works
Your liability coverage in your home and auto policies pay for the medical bills and other expenses of someone injured in an accident judged to be your fault. This can happen in your home or with your vehicle. Your auto or home policy will pay for the expenses and medical bills, but only until it reaches the policy’s payout maximum. After that, your umbrella policy will kick in to pay what is leftover so that you won’t have to. This can save you from paying thousands in overages that could be due after your home or auto policy pays out.
Get Umbrella Insurance
If you want umbrella insurance to keep you better protected, call us at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI.