If you own a recreational vehicle, it’s crucial that you insure this vehicle with a recreational insurance policy. You need to be adequately informed about recreational insurance to choose your coverage. At Premier Insurance Agency, we can answer any questions you have about recreational insurance in Detroit, MI.
Unfortunately, some consumers are misinformed about recreational insurance due to common misconceptions. The following are three common misconceptions about recreational insurance.
Your home insurance policy will cover your recreational vehicle.
One of the most common incorrect assumptions consumers make is that their home insurance policy will cover their recreational vehicle. This is not necessarily the case.
While home insurance policies may offer a limited amount of coverage for a recreational vehicle while it is on your property, they may not provide any coverage when your car is off your property. Investing in recreational insurance is essential to ensure your vehicle is fully covered wherever you take it.
Recreational insurance is the same as automobile insurance.
While there are some similarities between auto and recreational insurance, there are some key differences as well. An auto insurance policy won’t cover certain types of recreational vehicles such as boats and snowmobiles.
It’s also important to note that auto insurance won’t offer as much coverage for personal belongings inside your vehicle as a recreational policy designed to cover mobile homes will offer. When you’re on the market for recreational insurance, it’s vital that you’re informed about all the differences between recreational insurance coverage and auto insurance coverage.
You are not required by law to carry recreational insurance.
You might not be required to carry recreational insurance in all situations, but there are certainly many situations where this type of insurance is legally required. You must carry recreational insurance if you are taking your vehicle out on public roads or certain public lands/waterways.
Get in touch with us by phone or email at Premier Insurance Agency if you are a consumer in Detroit, MI who wants to get a quote on recreational insurance.