If you have car insurance and are wondering whether to get motorcycle insurance, it’s important to consider all the factors before deciding on your coverage. First, let’s talk about the basic coverage required by law. You’ll also want to scan through the optional coverage available to bikers in Detroit, MI. Contact your Premier Insurance Agency representative with follow up questions on all your insurance needs.
Basic Motorcycle Coverage
The following coverage is required by state law for motorcycle operators:
- Bodily injury pays for injuries to other parties when you cause an accident.
- Property damage covers damages to another person’s vehicle when you cause an accident.
Optional Coverage
If you ride your motorcycle during peak traffic times or ride your bike on a daily basis, you increase your risk of an accident. In this case, talk to your agent regarding additional coverage that might work for you, including:
- Personal injury protection covers medical costs for you or a passenger injured in an accident.
- Collision coverage pays for damage to your motorcycle.
- Comprehensive coverage helps you cover expenses when your vehicle sustains damages unrelated to an accident, such as flooding or vandalism.
Custom Parts Insurance
If you have spent a lot of time and money tricking out your ride, protect your investment with specialty insurance on any custom parts and equipment.
Transport Trailer Damage Policy
If you take your bike with you on vacation, you might consider insuring the transport trailer. You can get insurance for your ride and trailer that pays for damages during an accident that happens in transit.
Call Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI today for advice on motorcycle coverage and to set up an appointment for a quote.