Tips to Keep Your Classic Car Looking Its Best

If you have spent the money making your classic car look great, you will want to do everything you can to ensure that it stays that way. 

Here are some tips to keep your classic car looking its best. 

  • Keep it inside. The best way to keep a car looking good is by keeping it away from the elements. Though you may take it to shows, the rest of the time, it should be inside a garage where it can’t get rain, snow, or even too much sunlight. 
  • It is even better to keep it somewhere where the temperature and humidity regulate. This will help keep your car in top condition while it isn’t in use. 
  • That being said, you also need to drive it. Though it may sit most of the year, you should take it for a spin every month. This keeps it lubricated and things working. So, make it a date and show off your car every month by taking a short drive around town! 
  • Then, make sure you clean it before you put it away. Once you bring your car back to the garage or storage unit, you need to ensure it is as clean as possible. Don’t forget the wheel wells and inside the vehicle. 

If you want your classic car to last, you need to keep it inside, but it still needs to be run regularly. Then, put it away clean, so it is ready for next time! 

To ensure your classic car is well protected, you must talk to a professional about insurance. Don’t hesitate to contact us today at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI. 

Three common misconceptions about recreational insurance

If you own a recreational vehicle, it’s crucial that you insure this vehicle with a recreational insurance policy. You need to be adequately informed about recreational insurance to choose your coverage. At Premier Insurance Agency, we can answer any questions you have about recreational insurance in Detroit, MI.

Unfortunately, some consumers are misinformed about recreational insurance due to common misconceptions. The following are three common misconceptions about recreational insurance. 

Your home insurance policy will cover your recreational vehicle.

One of the most common incorrect assumptions consumers make is that their home insurance policy will cover their recreational vehicle. This is not necessarily the case.

While home insurance policies may offer a limited amount of coverage for a recreational vehicle while it is on your property, they may not provide any coverage when your car is off your property. Investing in recreational insurance is essential to ensure your vehicle is fully covered wherever you take it. 

Recreational insurance is the same as automobile insurance.

While there are some similarities between auto and recreational insurance, there are some key differences as well. An auto insurance policy won’t cover certain types of recreational vehicles such as boats and snowmobiles. 

It’s also important to note that auto insurance won’t offer as much coverage for personal belongings inside your vehicle as a recreational policy designed to cover mobile homes will offer. When you’re on the market for recreational insurance, it’s vital that you’re informed about all the differences between recreational insurance coverage and auto insurance coverage.  

You are not required by law to carry recreational insurance.

You might not be required to carry recreational insurance in all situations, but there are certainly many situations where this type of insurance is legally required. You must carry recreational insurance if you are taking your vehicle out on public roads or certain public lands/waterways.

Get in touch with us by phone or email at Premier Insurance Agency if you are a consumer in Detroit, MI who wants to get a quote on recreational insurance. 

What Does Motorhome Insurance Cover?

If you own a motorhome, you more than likely purchased it in the first place to relax with your family and other loved ones while enjoying a sense of peace and tranquility heading out on the open road. To fully enjoy the peace of mind that can come with camping and traveling in a motorhome with the ones you love, you will need to have a motorhome insurance policy. The agents at the Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI can help you understand the coverage this type of policy will provide.

What Does Motorhome Insurance Cover?

Motorhome liability insurance is required by the state of Michigan since you will be driving your motorhome on public streets and highways. This will cover any damage you cause in an accident with another driver, including any injuries to the other driver and their passengers.

Comprehensive and Collision Insurance

In addition to liability insurance, you will want comprehensive coverage on your motorhome since it is a second home for you and your family. This type of coverage will help pay for any damage to your motorhome if it is involved in a fire, damaged by a natural disaster, or suffers some damage from an act of vandalism. This type of coverage will also assist you in replacing your motorhome if it happens to be stolen.

You also want to have collision insurance if you have an accident involving another vehicle or even a stationary object. Remember that your lender will likely require both collision and comprehensive insurance if you still owe money on your motorhome.

There may be other coverage options that you will want to consider, which the experienced and trustworthy agents at the Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI can assist you with. Call for an appointment today!

What Are Some Things I Should Know About RV Insurance?

When shopping for insurance, be aware that the coverage won’t protect you from every risk. Most policies have an "exclusion" section where certain dangers are noted. For example, if your RV has a lift kit, you may need to purchase additional insurance. For professional help, call Premier Insurance Agency, a firm serving in Detroit, MI. 

Things To Note About RV Insurance 

Shop around and compare RV insurance rates before buying. Keep track of your monthly spending, and re-evaluate your insurance needs yearly. Most RV insurance providers offer a discount if you install a security system. You may be able to qualify for lower rates if you drive less often or make certain upgrades to your RV. 

Not all policies are created equal. There are some things to remember when shopping around for RV insurance, such as the length of your policy. Most RV insurance policies are written for a term of one year. However, if you’re buying RV insurance for your new or used RV, you might be able to find a policy that offers a long term, like two or three years. 

Collision coverage is for accidental damage to your RV, and liability coverage is for damage you cause to other people’s property. Keep in mind that if you’re buying RV insurance for a brand-new RV, collision, and liability are usually included in the policy’s price. 

RV insurance covers you and your family from property damage that you caused to someone. It can cover uninsured persons or if you or someone in your RV is injured in an accident. 

If you don’t have RV insurance and cause damage to someone else’s property, you will be responsible for paying for the repairs. If someone in your RV is injured in an accident and you aren’t covered by insurance, you will have to pay for their medical bills. 

Final Words  

Find a policy that fits your budget and needs. Also, make sure you keep your policy up to date. If you change the information on your policy — such as discontinuing a driver’s license — you must inform the insurer. For assistance in Detroit, MI, call Premier Insurance Agency.

Don’t miss out on the great features offered in comprehensive boat insurance policies

Premier Insurance Agency is here for all boat owners in the Detroit, MI metro area. If you want to make sure that your boat has the protection it needs, it’s time to look at the comprehensive policies available in our area. Call or stop by our office to learn more about your boat insurance options. 

Comprehensive boat insurance benefits

Having the right insurance in place allows you to enjoy your boat more. The main benefit of a comprehensive boat policy is increased liability protection. This can help to protect you both on and off the water. Liability is a serious issue when it comes to boating. This is especially true if you like to take passengers out with you or if your boating activities take place in popular areas with a lot of traffic on the water. And, if you trailer your boat to and from the water, you will also want to consider more robust liability protection.

In addition to this vital liability coverage, there are several additional features that you can expect when opting for a comprehensive policy. You can have additional medical expense coverage and collision coverage. You will want to be protected if there is damage to your boat, another boat, or someone else’s property. And once you have the safety protection you need, you can look at features such as at-sea towing coverage options. 

You can count on us!

Own a boat in the Detroit, MI area? You can turn to Premier Insurance Agency for all your boat insurance needs. We want you to have the protection you need to enjoy your vessel now and in the future. Call or stop by today!

Is Boat Insurance Needed in Michigan?

Boat insurance may not be required in Michigan, but that doesn’t mean you should skip purchasing coverage. Whether you have a sailboat, powerboat, jet ski, or any other type of vessel, you have made a sizable investment in that purchase. Just as auto insurance protects your wallet if you are in an accident, so too does boat insurance. For a relatively modest cost, boat insurance offers invaluable peace of mind. 

Although proof of boat insurance is not required when you register your vessel, you still may be required to display valid coverage if you are using a marina to dock your boat or are financing it through a lender. Generally, a marina and private lender want proof of boat insurance to ensure that you’ll have the ability to pay for repairs to your boat.

With the popularity of boating booming, there’s also an increased likelihood of having an accident with an uninsured or underinsured operator. If this happens, you’ll be on the hook for paying all costs for repairs even if you aren’t at fault. Luckily, boat insurance protects you from this happening with uninsured and underinsured boater coverage. Additionally, boat insurance covers a plethora of incidents, including comprehensive coverage for theft or fires, collision for accidents, and liability should you be in an accident that injures or damages a third party of their property.

Bottom line: You’ll want to have boat insurance that protects your boat, passengers, and yourself from paying for unnecessary and expensive damage. For more information, reach out to Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI. Our knowledgeable team of insurance professionals is ready to help.

How Does Umbrella Insurance Work?

When you want to ensure that you have the coverage you need for your home and vehicle, umbrella insurance is a good choice. If you already have home and auto policies, getting umbrella coverage is an excellent way to add to certain coverage from those policies. If you already have auto and home insurance and are interested in umbrella insurance, contact us today at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI.

More Liability Coverage

Umbrella insurance adds to the liability coverage through other insurance policies. Auto and home insurance policies each come with an amount of liability coverage. The problem is that these insurance policies often have a small amount of liability coverage. This can make you liable for large medical bills after a severe accident that causes injuries. People can change their auto and home policies directly so that each has more liability coverage. However, this is a costly option. It is much more cost-effective to get extra liability coverage from an umbrella policy. 

How Umbrella Insurance Works

Your liability coverage in your home and auto policies pay for the medical bills and other expenses of someone injured in an accident judged to be your fault. This can happen in your home or with your vehicle. Your auto or home policy will pay for the expenses and medical bills, but only until it reaches the policy’s payout maximum. After that, your umbrella policy will kick in to pay what is leftover so that you won’t have to. This can save you from paying thousands in overages that could be due after your home or auto policy pays out. 

Get Umbrella Insurance

If you want umbrella insurance to keep you better protected, call us at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI.

Why Condo Insurance is an Asset

Do you have a condo in Detroit, MI? Have you invested in condo insurance? Whether you reside in your condo or use it for vacation, you need to invest in condo insurance. Yes, you may be contributing to the condo owners association (COA) policy, but you still need condo insurance. The COA policy covers liabilities in common areas and damages to the exterior of your building — for liabilities and damages inside your condo, that’s your headache. And that’s why you need condo insurance. Otherwise, you may incur expensive out-of-pocket expenses when the unexpected occurs.

Still not convinced that condo insurance is a worthwhile investment? Purchasing condo insurance from Premier Insurance Agency comes with the below benefits:

  • Liability protection: Suppose your pet bites a guest or someone trips on the staircase inside your condo, dislocating their hip. While these accidents are unintentional, you could be held responsible for the medical expenses. Worse yet, you can be sued, worsening your financial position. But guess what? You don’t have to worry about liability claims if you have condo insurance.
  • Personal assets protection: What’s the value of your personal assets? You probably have no idea because it’s long before you came up with a home inventory. When you take stock of the things inside your condo, you will realize that they are pretty valuable. For this reason, you need to invest in condo insurance to protect your assets from perils like fire, theft, and other risks listed in your policy document.
  • Loss of use coverage: When a peril listed in your policy renders your condo uninhabitable, you may have to look for a temporary shelter in a hotel. Luckily, condo insurance can cover additional living expenses, including accommodation, food, and laundry, until your condo becomes livable again.

Need condo insurance in Detroit, MI? Please get in touch with Premier Insurance Agency for an affordable condo insurance quote.

5 Tips to Prep Your Car for Michigan Snow Season

1. Maintenance & Fluids
Protect your engine against corrosion and freezing temperatures by ensuring a proper ratio of antifreeze. Keep washer fluid topped off for muddy snow. Ensure oil and other fluids are topped off and take your car in for regular service maintenance. It’s also essential to make sure your wipers and defrosters are in good working order. 

2. Winter & Tires
Winter driving puts a different strain on our tires, particularly in Detroit MI, where you may find yourself driving over frozen ruts in dirt roads or cruising over black ice concealed by recent snow. Winter tires not only provide better traction, but they also use unique compounds in their construction to resist hardening in cold weather. It’s also important to keep an eye on tire pressure over the winter as temperature changes can impact pressure. 

3. Safety Kit
Even the safest drivers sometimes experience accidents or road blockages due to inclement weather. Prepare ahead of time by keeping a safety kit packed and ready. This should include: 

  • Flares
  • Flashlight 
  • Non-perishable food and hydration
  • Spare, warm clothing
  • Extra antifreeze
  • Sandbag and shovel (for helping you out of a slick spot)
  • Jumper cables
  • A stocked first aid kit

4. Weather Emergency Tips
Keep a half-full gas tank. Why? It can prevent freeze-ups in your gas lines, but more importantly to your safety, if you become stranded due to weather, the extra gas can keep you warm long enough for help to reach you. Should you be reliant on the engine to stay warm, turn it on only long enough for the car to heat up, then off again to reduce CO2 poisoning. Stay with your car. 

5. Review Coverages
Fall is a perfect time to review your coverage. Contact Premier Insurance Agency today to make sure your vehicle has enough coverage for the winter ahead. Don’t wait for a deer hit or a winter storm to discover your comprehensive is lacking. 

Michigan Commercial Insurance: Do You Need Business Interruption Insurance?

Business interruption insurance is a product you can add to your commercial insurance policy to protect you from financial losses should your business be interrupted for any reason. 

At Premier Insurance Agency, we want business owners in Detroit, MI to be covered for every risk and loss. If you worry about shutting down suddenly, you will want to consider business interruption insurance.

How to Know You Need Business Interruption Insurance

You need business interruption insurance if you worry about your business closing suddenly. There are a number of things that could cause this to happen.

•    Extreme weather
•    Extreme news
•    Damage from neighboring structures or businesses
•    Client losses
•    Supply chain disruption

Most businesses can not survive when the doors close for an extended and unknown period. Any major interruption to your everyday course of business could close you down, or devastate you financially for years.

What Does Business Interruption Insurance Cover?

Business interruption insurance covers the costs you would incur if your business shutdown. That is almost everything. 

Business interruption insurance will cover the loss of your payroll and other operating costs. You will have your rent or mortgage bills paid, utilities, alarm system, property taxes, and even relocation of your business if you need to do that.

You will never know if you need business interruption insurance until you need it. It’s an expense you may not even notice, but for the peace of mind, you will purchase by having it.

Get a Quote

When you have a business in Detroit, MI, you have a lot to worry about. At Premier Insurance Agency, we can help you to build the commercial insurance policy that will give you the peace of mind you need to protect against these risks. Call us for a quote today.