The term comprehensive insurance refers to an auto insurance policy that includes both liability and comprehensive and collision coverage. This type of policy can also include things like health insurance, as well as coverage for uninsured or underinsured vehicles.
Comprehensive insurance is a policy that covers the driver for injuries resulting from a car accident, damage to the vehicle, injuries to passengers, the other driver, his/her passengers, and damage to his/her vehicle.
Full auto insurance isn’t required by law. Many states only require a small amount of liability coverage. The problem with this is that this type of policy rarely, if ever, covers injuries or car damage. The most that this type of policy will cover is the damage or injuries caused to others by you.
Full coverage insurance policies give more coverage and protection on the road. It offers peace of mind in the event of a minor or serious car accident. Anything that is not covered by the insurance policy will have to be covered out of pockets, such as bodily injuries, or property damage.
Consider comprehensive insurance if you own a new or expensive vehicle. In the event of a serious accident, you will not be able to repair or replace your car if it is totaled or badly damaged. Also, if you live in a densely populated area, a high crime area, or an area that experiences severe storms such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. In addition, if you lease a car or have taken out a car loan then comprehensive auto insurance might be a good fit for you.
Speak to an expert at Premier Insurance Agency serving Detroit, MI today to find out which insurance is best suited to you and your family.